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(Porting the original setup instructions from our Google Doc, pinned in New-Member-Setup)
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Revision as of 02:07, 31 December 2018

This guide was built by and for the Mochimo Discord Community. It will cover the basics for installing and running the Mochimo GPU Miner/Node on Ubuntu 16.04 with Nvidia Graphics Cards.

Section I: GPU Mining Setup

Prepared by Mochimo Discord Community


This section will guide you through installing Ubuntu, updating your drivers, and getting any other settings changed to allow you to mine on a GPU.

ISO Setup

These tools are used to create a bootable drive to install Ubuntu. Skip if you already are running an OS. The miner will not work on any version of Windows currently.

  1. Download: Rufus Install.
  2. Download: Ubuntu 16.04 ISO
  3. Use Rufus to make a USB bootable with this ISO.
  4. When Installing: Do a full wipe and fresh install.

Static IP

If you do not have a static IP you need to set one to save yourself from future issues.

  1. Open a Terminal
  2. Type ifconfig to get your IP and Gateway.
  3. Select the up/down arrows in the top right corner.
  4. Select Disable Connection
  5. Select Edit Connections
  6. Remove any old connections.
  7. Make new connect with: IP of your choosing, a /24 mask (, Your Gateway IP, and for DNS
  8. Selection Enable to grab a new IP via DHCP

Nvidia Drivers

This will download the latest Nvidia drivers. They can be manually downloaded if any errors occur or you want a newer/older version.
To download Nvidia drivers search for “Additional Drivers” on Ubuntu and open it.
The appropriate drivers should be available for download. Manually complete the following commands, then reboot:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa
sudo apt update
sudo apt install nvidia-387

Install CUDA Toolkit 9.2

After install, if you still recieve error “ XXXXX “ then reinstall.
Download the Base Installer: Installer
To Install:

sudo dpkg -i cuda-repo-ubuntu1604-9-2-local_9.2.148-1_amd64.deb
sudo apt-key add /var/cuda-repo-<version>/7fa2af80.pub
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install cuda

CUDA 9.2 Post-Install Instructions

If you do not save these to the bash then after each reboot you will have to reapply.
Once installed, go to: Nvidia Post Installation Guide
Add this path to the PATH variable, by typing:

export PATH=/user/local/cuda-9.2/bin${PATH:+:${PATH}}

Add path to PATH variable:

sudo nano ~/.bashrc

All the way at the bottom add this line:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/cuda-9.2/lib64/${LD_LIBRARY_PATH:+:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}}

Port Forwarding

The errors “xxxx” and “xxxx” are usually caused from a mistake made during these steps.
Make sure that port 2095 on both tcp/udp is forwarded to your rigs IP
If you need help, visit the following site, find your router, and follow its instructions:

Mochimo Miner/Node

Download the latest release from the Github: Mochimo Github

  1. Click on: Source code (tar.gz)
  2. Place it in whatever directory you want.
  3. In a terminal type: tar zxvf (drag the file here) && cd mochi
  4. Make sure you are in the mochi directory. Now type: cd ./src
  5. Initiate the build script:
./makeunx bin

If you get a cuda error here, installing Cuda 9.2 failed at some point possibly. Try re-installing.
If you get the collect 2 error try:

ln -s /usr/local/cuda/lib64/libcudart.so /usr/lib/libcudart.so

If you get no errors, use the following command to install the software in the mochi/bin directory:

./makeunx install

Create a Mining Address

You must create a mining address before you can begin mining.

  1. Go to ./bin directory and invoke the wallet: ./wallet -p2095 -n
  2. Give it a name like "mining".
  3. Choose a password (DON’T FORGET THIS)
  4. Enter Random Text (mash the key, seriously)
  5. Save the file to "mining.wal"
  6. Open the wallet: ./wallet -p2905 mining.wal
  7. Select option 4 to create a new address. Name it ‘mining address’
  8. Select N to the "Add Tag?" question.
  9. Select Option 7 to export this address.
  10. Type 1 and hit enter to select your mining address for export.
  11. Save this file as maddr.dat (required)
  12. Type N for saving balance
  13. Select 0 to exit

Running the Miner

Go to the ./bin directory
Type: ./gomochi d The miner is running now, but it may take up to a few minutes to sync.
Type: CTRL+C to bring up command prompt

? for options
q for exit
r for restart