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List of Testnet Resources

Dedicated Nodes

The following four nodes are dedicated for transaction relaying and solving. Note they are CPU nodes only, so the TestNet difficulty is REALLY low most of the time unless someone runs it up with a GPU rig.


Block Explorer

TestNet has a dedicated block explorer for viewing live blocks on the network. You can find the testnet BX at: http://testnet-bx.mochimo.com

Backend API

The TestNet API has the same features and functions as the Main Net API. Please see the MOCHIMO_API page for detailed guide.

The Public TestNet API is available at http://testnet-api.mochimo.com:8888

Here's a quick reference for some of our TestNet API Endpoints:

Endpoint Description
/net/balance/[WOTS] balance of the address from the network
/net/resolve/[tag] resolve the address attached to the tag from the network
/net/nodes all network nodes
/net/chains all chains/subnetworks
/net/chain main chain/subnetwork
/bc/balance/[WOTS] balance of the address from the local blockchain
/bc/resolve/[tag] resolve the address attached to the tag from the blockchain
/bc/block/[block number] details of the block
/bc/raw/[block number] download block
/balance/[WOTS] balance of the address from network and local blockchain
/resolve/[tag] resolve the address attached to the tag from network and local blockchain
/push push a transaction to the network. POST {"transaction": [base64 encoded transaction], "recipients": [number of nodes to send the transaction to (optional)]}